Oracle Argus Safety Essentials

Course categoryPharmacovigilance

Oracle Argus Safety Essentials is an e-learning course that covers the basic and advanced concepts of managing drug safety data using the Oracle Argus application. It is intended for students and clinical research professional who are willing to make a career in Pharmacovigilance using the Oracle Argus platform. 

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Oracle Argus Safety Console

Course categoryPharmacovigilance

Oracle Argus Safety Console is a self-paced eLearning program that extensively covers the process of using the Argus Console module of Argus Safety for system configuration, business configuration and administration of the Oracle Argus Safety software. It is intended for drug safety professionals looking to expand their skillset and explore opportunities as Argus Safety Consultants and Argus Safety Support specialists. 

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Oracle Argus Safety Essentials + Console

Course categoryPharmacovigilance

Oracle Argus Safety Essentials + Console is an e-learning course that covers the basic and advanced concepts of managing drug safety data using the Oracle Argus application. It also covers the process of using the Argus Console module of Argus Safety for system configuration, business configuration and administration of the Oracle Argus Safety software. It is intended for students and clinical research professional who are willing to make a career in Pharmacovigilance using the Oracle Argus platform as well as drug safety professionals looking to expand their skillset and explore opportunities as Argus Safety Consultants and Argus Safety Support specialists. 

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Oracle Empirica Signal

Course categoryPharmacovigilance
Oracle Empirica Signal is an Oracle Health Science Application used for Signal Identification and Management from Adverse event data.

In this signal management course shall cover all the topics from detecting signals(Signal detection), through their validation and confirmation, analysis, prioritization and assessment to recommending action, as well as the tracking of the steps taken and of any recommendations made using the Oracle Empirica Signal application. 

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Diploma in Pharmacovigilance

Course categoryPharmacovigilance

The Professional Diploma in Pharmacovigilance (PDPV) covers the core concepts of management of drug safety data and equips you to start a career in Pharmacovigilance domain. The course is aligned to the requirements of the industry and imparts  process knowledge of how drug safety data is management in a clear and concise manner so that you may kickstart a career in pharmacovigilance. 

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Oracle Argus Safety - Configuration and Administration

Course categoryPharmacovigilance

Oracle Argus Safety - Configuration and Administration is an e-learning course that covers the Business processes within Argus Safety while laying a strong focus on Configuration and Administration activities performed in Argus Safety. It is intended for professionals who are willing to make a career as an Argus Safety Implementation and Support Specialist.

This course will cover the topics outlined for the Oracle Argus Safety Certified Implementation Specialist Exam titled Oracle Argus Safety 8 Implementation Essentials 1Z0-473 and help you prepare for the same.

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